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Security and Fraud

happy man and woman sit at table with smartphone and enjoy information security

Stay Secure

Whether it’s setting up alerts or being able to freeze your debit card, we’ve implemented helpful mechanisms to keep you protected – and enjoying peace of mind. Rest assured, we’ll safeguard your personal and financial information against fraud, identity theft, scams and other security threats.

group of savvy individuals work around a table to collaborate on securing devices with gate city bank

Secure Your Device

Whether it’s creating strong passwords, regularly updating antivirus software or anything in between, we offer quick and easy tips to help you secure your device and keep sensitive personal and financial data from falling into the wrong hands.

happy man in light gray t-shirt holds his smartphone and avoids scammers while banking

Avoid Scams

Scammers are always up to something. Whether it’s bank imposter schemes, IRS tax cons or anything in between, we’re here to help you steer clear of their fraudulent activity. Easily recognize the signs of common scams – and know how to avoid them.

happy woman with laptop sitting on rock in wilderness still finds it easy to report fraud

Report Fraud

We work tirelessly to protect your personal and financial information, but if you ever become a victim of fraud, it’s incredibly easy to report it. Rest assured, we’ll take care of you.